Request a Quote

You protect your home, your car, even yourself with insurance. Your annual passholder status is an investment in yourself and your family … protect it too.

Don't Let Your Fear Stop You

Magnet Insurance

It sounds crazy, right? But was started by an entrepreneur who was, like you, a theme park fan. After finally being able to afford a passholder status he experienced the horror of having his first magnet stolen.

From that pain, came the idea for magnet insurance. The idea that something so small can stir such emotion within us was definitely worth protecting. Along with some associates, they came up with multiple plans to fit different needs.




Quote Request Form

Please complete the form below to give us a general idea of what type of coverage you are looking for. One of our protection agents will contact you regarding your quote.

  • Magnet Information

    In order to provide an accurate quote for the magnets you currently own, we will need a little information.
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
    The maximum number of magnets we will insure is ten.

  • When describing your collection of magnets, use phrases like "Food and Wine Festival" or "Flower and Garden Festival" or "Annual Passholder". You can even describe them like "Goofy Holiday Magnet" or "Mickey with the chef hat".
  • DescriptionYear 
    You can use the plus (+) symbol to add additional fields
  • Additional Comments and Questions

    Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about recognizing magnets, or coverage.
  • Please include any concerns or questions, as well as any potential food allergies, or disabilities to be aware of.

Celebrate Being a Passholder Without Fear of Theft

"Insurance that sticks with you."


This site is not affiliated in any way with the Walt Disney Company,
and/or Universal Studios or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This site is strictly satire.